
Yan Chen


Ho Yeh
my sister,sin yee!

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  • Wednesday, July 27, 2005
    5:11 AM

    This is something i call the :"salmon principle". You guys wanna know what is that?its simple.Think like a salmon.But why?Let me illustrate it to you.

    A particular life cycle of a salmon involves its maturity stage in which it swims upstream after full maturity to lay eggs.What is it swimming against?WATERFALL!! and it hard can tire anyone out.Even we humans can do it.But we can do it in our life.Once u see it as a waterfall,u can swim against the current and fight ur way up.

    Remember one of pastor Kong's sermon on Success?in genesis 26:1,12-13,it says that a particular contrarion (people who go against popular thinking;what i call "salmon people") Sowed during a famine.His name was Isaac.

    Gen26:1 There was a famine in the land, besides the first famine that was in the days of Abraham. And Isaac went to Abimelech king of the Philistines, in Gerar..............
    12 Then Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the LORD blessed him. 13 The man began to prosper, and continued prospering until he became very prosperous;(NKJV)

    Wowow look at that.He went against the common menatlity that its stupid to sow in a drought area>And he REAPED supernaturally.Try using that in ur it ur studies or whatsoever.For me,defeat aint fatal and Failure is definitely not final.I can still come up with solutions (creative ones too!!) to fight it out.Have u ever heard of famous entrepreneurs in singapore who did not have O level certificates and still manage to make it big?This are uncommon and rare cases.Rare because no one ever did that Before,and they attianed a level of breakthrough never imagined.Rock on GUYS!!!!(of course getting a good education is good,but some people wanted to pursue their own interest and took jobs TOTALLY irrelevant to their field of studies.and i wonder what are they studying for when in the first place they could get online or buy a book to educate themselves instead of wasting money to take an educational course!!!) But its good though.....SO if u had no interest in something...DONT pursue it against ur will.Or find creative ,alternative solutions.Drive ur passions.Have fun.

    ...simple direct specific